Is-A Duck, Has-A Duck, Calls-A Duck: Three Ways to Reuse Code
I presented "Is-A Duck, Has-A Duck, Calls-A Duck: Three Ways to Reuse Code" at Boston PyLadies in 2016. It's an introduction to three common ways we reuse code, with some guidelines for how to choose among them.
Cleaning Up After the Move: .htaccess recipes for Jekyll
The .htaccess file fixed many things when I switched from WordPress to Jekyll.
Using Git Without Github's GUI
Handy Git commands when all you have is the command line.
Exploring a Large Text Dataset with the Command Line
Making sense of too much text.
Coders and the Myth of Destiny
My piece, Coders and the Myth of Destiny, was published on The Pastry Box Project.
I'm honored to join the ranks of Pastry Box contributors. Talk about ending my year on a high note.
Sort on multiple keys with Underscore's sortBy()
A workaround that takes advantage of sortBy's stable sort.
Javascript Regular Expression with a variable
Using variables with Javascript's RegExp.
Quick How-To : Custom Django Management Commands
Write a custom command to use with cron jobs.
Begin Refactoring with Naming the Unknown
Adding and improving names makes refactoring easier.
How to Do a Coding Exercise at an Interview
A few strategies for coding exercises.